Explore the Namaqua West Coast Wine Route

Explore the Namaqua West Coast Wine Route

The Western Cape is definitely wine country, and to highlight this Rove SA’s journey embarked by exploring some spots along the Namaqua West Coast Wine Route. Vredendal (meaning “valley of peace”) is home to a variety of vineyards, which results in...

Streke spog met hul beste jongwyne

In die aanloop tot die SA Nasionale Jongwynskou deel die onderskeie streke hul streekskampioene uit ide 2022-oesjaar. Hier volg sewe van die streke se uitslae: https://www.netwerk24.com/netwerk24/leefstyl/kos-en-wyn/streke-spog-met-hul-beste-jongwyne-20220824